Sunday, April 13, 2014

 Bruises by Train & Ashley Monroe

This song is one of my favorites currently.  It’s on repeat on my i-pod a lot lately.  And to be really honest I cry almost every time it plays.   

It reminds ME to be kind to everyone, because we all got bruises.  Instead of being bugged because people do things or act differently that I would or think they should, I need to see why they do what they do and appreciate
the difference. The bruises truly do make for better conversation and richer relationships.   

It also reminds me to be kinder to myself and to know the bruises make me a richer person for the pains of life that I have endured. 

 Also, you gotta love workin’ Que sera into a song!

You're not alone in how you've been

Everybody loses-we all got bruises

Please don't fix a thing-whatever you do

These bruises makes for better conversation

Everybody loses-we all got bruises