Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gotta try

I am feeling so large, and not at all at peace with it.  I know I need to lose weight, I just am not sure how to start.  I really want the changes to be permanent.  I want to be healthy and I want to be able to be the best me I can be.  

But truthfully, I look around and what others are going through and I feel selfish to even be thinking about myself. 

I know it's odd, but I never feel like I should be thinking about myself.  I guess that is the whole problem.  I never want to think about myself.   It's not that I want to be completely invisible, but I just would rather think of someone else.  I guess my body has reached a point I am forced to think about myself for a bit.  This probably makes no sense to anyone, but I really think it is time to focus more on myself.  Let's see if it works.

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