Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sing or Dare

I decided to start keeping track of what I do for singing time.  That way i can decide if it is worth doing again, and improving.  Also reminding me to do some of the thing that worked well.

So this week I am doing a SING or DARE game.  The children can choose to pick a song from the sing enevelope or a dare from the dare envelope.  

I have a large laminated board that i taped to signs on.

I have a list of the songs we are working on for the year in the Sing Pocket

I put a bunch of silly things to do in the Dare Pocket

It worked pretty well.  There were plenty of dares and songs, we didn't run out of either.  The older kids surprised me by leaning more to the songs.  The younger kids just the opposite.  There was only a couple of children that chose songs, they did the dares.   It was pretty fun, and some of the adults even joined in the fun.

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