Sunday, October 21, 2012

Personal Milestone

I know it only matters to me but on October 15, 2012, I wore a necklace.  It is a little thing but it has scared me to put one on.  Since the thyroid surgery, everything bothers me, ruffles, material you name it and it seems to give me anxiety.

Sweet Mel and I were looking at necklaces over the weekend, and I just took a breath and put one on.  She was proud, but mentioned that I would have to let go of it.  I couldn't actually wear the necklace holding it up off me, Dang!

So wearing a necklace all day was a really big thing.  I felt a bit overwhelmed a few times, but I survived, and looked kind of cute....I think.


1 comment:

  1. Does metal affect the thyroid? I am not a necklace wearer either. They have always bothered me. If I do wear one, I take it off once I get home. Not a fan!
