Saturday, August 10, 2013

Convention Week...

The week that ended up changing my life....

I Worked...

Monday - 13 1/2 Hours
Tuesday - 16 + Hours LOTS of Tears...
45 minutes of sleep
Wednesday - 17 + Hours LOTS of tears....
Bad thing is I wanted to swear a lot, and did, at least in my brain.....good thing is with only about 45 minutes of sleep since I woke up Tuesday morning I was at my best as a comic (without swearing)
Thursday - 13 + Hours
Friday - 10 Hours

Lots of Diet Coke

If this was any other year, I would think I was getting off easy.  It is a light convention work week, not even one twenty hour day.  But this was no regular convention.   Because of one announcement and this email.

It's Official!

The artists and music you've come to love through Sounds of Zion are making a move to R Legacy Entertainment! We're excited about this transition and look forward to the great things this change will accomplish in creating greater exposure and album sales for our artists and the stores that sell their titles.
The Sounds of Zion name will accompany this transition, and become an imprint of R Legacy. The transition date is September 2nd.
Until then, we'll continue to serve stores just as we always have. After that date, all orders for music will go through R Legacy.
And the future of the remaining portions of Sounds of Zion? Well, we have more news coming your way on that in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
We appreciate all our wonderful artists and the store owners who have carried their music these many years. This is a change filled with mixed emotions, but we know this move will be beneficial to everyone involved.

Doyl PeckSounds of Zion      

Life has changed.
The hunt for a job begins.  After over 20 years in the LDS Products industry, it is now time to find a new direction in life.

Yikes, I am so very scared, I know it will be okay at some point, but i am scared right now.

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