Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kings and Queens for a Song

I prepared this for last week, but they had so much fun I promised we could do it this week too.  Two for One, not bad.

I picked a child and they chose a song from the list of songs we are doing for this years Primary Presentation in sacrament meeting.  Then I chose a child and sent them into the hallway.  The child who chose the song now chooses a word from the song.  They wrote the word on a piece of paper (I used post-it notes)

and we paper clipped the paper to a crown (I got 2 for $1 at the dollar store).  So when you wore the crown you could not see the word, but the people looking at you could.  

 The child in the hall comes in and I put the crown on their head.  Then we sing... Sr would NOT sing that word, or in some cases phrases.    The child wearing the crown had to guess what the word was.   I think the hardest word turned out to be THE and probably because I kept forgetting how much it was in the song.

For Jr. we only did a few songs, one was Popcorn Popping, I Am A Child of God, and Follow the Prophet.  For this group the song on the crown got sung the loudest.

This has ended up being a really fun way to review the songs.  I am sure we will use it again!  

Thanks for the idea to the blog i got the idea from (sorry I can't remember it)

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