Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I came home tonight after a long day at work in the middle of a very long work week to find a sweet surprise from the sweet girls and leaders in the Midvale 4th ward activity days!  I feel so blessed!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

 Bruises by Train & Ashley Monroe

This song is one of my favorites currently.  It’s on repeat on my i-pod a lot lately.  And to be really honest I cry almost every time it plays.   

It reminds ME to be kind to everyone, because we all got bruises.  Instead of being bugged because people do things or act differently that I would or think they should, I need to see why they do what they do and appreciate
the difference. The bruises truly do make for better conversation and richer relationships.   

It also reminds me to be kinder to myself and to know the bruises make me a richer person for the pains of life that I have endured. 

 Also, you gotta love workin’ Que sera into a song!

You're not alone in how you've been

Everybody loses-we all got bruises

Please don't fix a thing-whatever you do

These bruises makes for better conversation

Everybody loses-we all got bruises

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Been awhile...

It has been awhile since I have written in the blog.  I know this about myself, when life get very hard I don't really like to document it.  Thus, the reason for the long absence.

Since January 1st I have been un (or under) employed.  I have been able to keep the seasonal job I started in November, so I went from working 8-16 hours EVERYDAY since November to working about 16 hours a week.  A bit of a shock to the system, and the pocketbook.

Another big shock, how not having a job is so emotionally draining.  My self esteem has taken quite a beating, and the longer I am unemployed the worse I feel about myself.  I know that I am more than what I do for a living, but the fear of not being able to pay bills is devastating.  I am okay currently, but the fear of what is around the corner is scary.  I tried to start a program with my mortgage company to help with the payment until I find a job, they are actually willing to work with me, but there are a lot of hoops to jump through.  I am afraid I will be in foreclosure by the time all the requirements are met.

There are always times I miss Mom and Dad more then others, but to be honest this makes me so very homesick for them.  I spend time crying because I miss them so much.  When they were here, I knew they would always be there to help me.  Financially if they could, but emotionally always.  I just want to put my head on their shoulders and cry.  When they passed away I knew my safety net was gone.  I didn't know it would be less than 10 years before I would have been through cancer and job loss, feeling totally alone.

Totally alone is not fair.  I have amazing friends and family.  One friend took me to lunch and told me not to to argue, then handed me money and told me it was for emergencies.  She then told me that she knew of a slush fund and I would not loose the house.  Then she helped me come up with ideas of where to look for jobs.  When she sees something she calls or sends me a message ASAP.  I have had family members offer there homes if I end up selling this house.  Everyone has been so loving and supportive.  I am truly blessed.

I have begun attending the temple on days when I don't have classes, or job interviews.  I am so thankful for that.  It truly makes a difference.  This experience has brought me closer to my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.  I am so thankful I can turn to them.  There have been may times when I find myself pouring out my heart and just crying my eyes out.  I know they understand and they are there to comfort and guide me.

I don't know when I will get a job,  I don't know what will have to happen before then,  I don't know if I will be in this house or somewhere else.  But somethings I do know... I am blessed with the love of family and friends, and knowing I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and His Son my Savior, who has made it possible for me to make it though this and be able to return and live with him.   For all that my heart is full of gratitude.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kings and Queens for a Song

I prepared this for last week, but they had so much fun I promised we could do it this week too.  Two for One, not bad.

I picked a child and they chose a song from the list of songs we are doing for this years Primary Presentation in sacrament meeting.  Then I chose a child and sent them into the hallway.  The child who chose the song now chooses a word from the song.  They wrote the word on a piece of paper (I used post-it notes)

and we paper clipped the paper to a crown (I got 2 for $1 at the dollar store).  So when you wore the crown you could not see the word, but the people looking at you could.  

 The child in the hall comes in and I put the crown on their head.  Then we sing... Sr would NOT sing that word, or in some cases phrases.    The child wearing the crown had to guess what the word was.   I think the hardest word turned out to be THE and probably because I kept forgetting how much it was in the song.

For Jr. we only did a few songs, one was Popcorn Popping, I Am A Child of God, and Follow the Prophet.  For this group the song on the crown got sung the loudest.

This has ended up being a really fun way to review the songs.  I am sure we will use it again!  

Thanks for the idea to the blog i got the idea from (sorry I can't remember it)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Convention Week...

The week that ended up changing my life....

I Worked...

Monday - 13 1/2 Hours
Tuesday - 16 + Hours LOTS of Tears...
45 minutes of sleep
Wednesday - 17 + Hours LOTS of tears....
Bad thing is I wanted to swear a lot, and did, at least in my brain.....good thing is with only about 45 minutes of sleep since I woke up Tuesday morning I was at my best as a comic (without swearing)
Thursday - 13 + Hours
Friday - 10 Hours

Lots of Diet Coke

If this was any other year, I would think I was getting off easy.  It is a light convention work week, not even one twenty hour day.  But this was no regular convention.   Because of one announcement and this email.

It's Official!

The artists and music you've come to love through Sounds of Zion are making a move to R Legacy Entertainment! We're excited about this transition and look forward to the great things this change will accomplish in creating greater exposure and album sales for our artists and the stores that sell their titles.
The Sounds of Zion name will accompany this transition, and become an imprint of R Legacy. The transition date is September 2nd.
Until then, we'll continue to serve stores just as we always have. After that date, all orders for music will go through R Legacy.
And the future of the remaining portions of Sounds of Zion? Well, we have more news coming your way on that in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
We appreciate all our wonderful artists and the store owners who have carried their music these many years. This is a change filled with mixed emotions, but we know this move will be beneficial to everyone involved.

Doyl PeckSounds of Zion      

Life has changed.
The hunt for a job begins.  After over 20 years in the LDS Products industry, it is now time to find a new direction in life.

Yikes, I am so very scared, I know it will be okay at some point, but i am scared right now.

Monday, August 5, 2013

A Child's Prayer

This week, we were working on A Child's Prayer.  So after trying to come up with new ideas for a song that we sing a bit I use the Sunday Saver's Singing Time pictures and then I found these cute hand  die cuts with a hole in the middle.  Inside half of the hands I put a Q and the other half an A.

Then we went through the song and looked for Questions and the Answers to them.

 I was surprised by something.  In the first verse it mentions feeling the Spirit and remembering something.  I had never really paid attention to that, but the song not only asks questions and answers them, but it also show a couple of ways in which they can be answered.

Another reason to love this song.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sing or Dare

I decided to start keeping track of what I do for singing time.  That way i can decide if it is worth doing again, and improving.  Also reminding me to do some of the thing that worked well.

So this week I am doing a SING or DARE game.  The children can choose to pick a song from the sing enevelope or a dare from the dare envelope.  

I have a large laminated board that i taped to signs on.

I have a list of the songs we are working on for the year in the Sing Pocket

I put a bunch of silly things to do in the Dare Pocket

It worked pretty well.  There were plenty of dares and songs, we didn't run out of either.  The older kids surprised me by leaning more to the songs.  The younger kids just the opposite.  There was only a couple of children that chose songs, they did the dares.   It was pretty fun, and some of the adults even joined in the fun.