Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Somethings I have learned lately

Well, LDSBA convention finally came and went too.  There was very little time to breath, but I did learn a few things.

I talked with Tanya Barkdull, a great singer who is part of One Clear Voice, at the showcase.  She had thyroid cancer a year ago.  It was quick, but it was really nice to talk to someone who has so recently has been through the same time.  She talked about how long it has taken her to feel stabilized.    All of a sudden, a lot started making sense.  I said "Oh, crying one day and feeling nothing the next.. is that what you are talking about?"  Yup she said.  Oh, no I understand all the tears.  Not that it makes them seem easier, but I've learned it is "normal"

I also learned from a sweet doctor/author, once again how blessed I am.  We were just talking he was explaining his Health for Missionaries book, all of a sudden he says you have had your thyroid removed, was it cancer.  I tell him it was, he asks about when and what happened.  I give him the quick version, that includes the miracles of it all.  He is so sweet, he is here to get people to look at this book but for this period of time, he is totally focused on me.  When I finish, he tells me I am so blessed.  (Yup) Then he says you survived cancer, know that!!  But also know you are healed, it is not coming back.  What an amazing few minutes I had with him.  I know this doctor could tell just what my soul needed.  Blessed. Not much more to say.

A gal came into work and noticed my scar, we got taking about cancer (she'd had breast), and she helped me learn I have a new normal, it includes blood draws, and visiting doctors.

I have also learned that caffeine helps you get rid of excess water weight.  It was nice to have the pharmacist tell me that I need a vacation or diet coke, for medical reasons!! Like that man!

I have learned that I really dislike being angry.  I had felt almost uncomfortable in my own skin.  I seem angry, upset, mad, grouchy, negative all the time.  I DO NOT LIKE IT!!! I want my meds to regulate to me or the other way around, can't keep feeling this yuck!!

Learned that life can always throw another curve ball.  Since the operation I have spotted a few times, so I went to Dr. Steele for my pap smear, and to find out why this may be happening.  Dr. Steele has some concerns.  Of course as he said we have to do more tests and this may require an operation, my heart sunk, only thought in my brain is "Really? this isn't happening again is it".  Then he clearly saw the blood leave my head and he said, you came to me to find out what is going on right,  that is what we are doing  seeing what is wrong and then try to fix it.  Oh, that is right, calm down.

I also learned there is a silver lining in the clouds.  If I really need to have another operation, now is the time to do it.  I talked to the insurance company and the first operation out of pocket costs for me will meet my max out of pocket for the this may be the time!!!

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