Saturday, August 18, 2012

Let's call it a procedure

I had the ultra sound and there was not any obvious sign of growths/lumps/polyps /tumors whatever you want to call it.  Which seems good, but it still doesn't explain the spotting, so Dr. Steele wants to biopsy it, which means a D and C.  It is an outpatient  "procedure".  Although I believe I have met my out of pocket costs for the year, we are going to do the "procedure"  at a physicality that is covered 80%'s going to be a month before we do it.

Dr. Gilbert's appointment was better.  Things were going really well.  The wound is healing, the swelling is going down, and my voice is doing well.  Until he asked about it, when of course it cuts out for a second.  We both had to laugh.  The bump under my drain incision surprises him.  It doesn't seem to be shrinking.  But I told him, that if there was some odd thing it would be me it would happen to.    We are going to just watch it for until the next appointment and see what happens then.

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