Sunday, September 30, 2012


So I had the procedure on Friday.

I woke up with a migraine and it stayed the entire day okay weekend.

Heidi took me up to the hospital.  As I was in the hall I heard the funniest thing.  Here we are in the same day operation area and I hear a worker ask someone, "Do you have any health problems?"  It made me giggle.

Lots of Dr's and nurses came and went and finally they wheeled me into another room, but by then I was out.  I woke up with the same headache, and just a little abdominal discomfort.  At one point I really really needed to go to the bathroom, but the nurse felt like taking my blood pressure while taking out my IV was more important.  It know it is surprising, but my blood pressure was going crazy.  I don't really know where it should be but it was doing all kinds of crazy stuff.  Once the IV was out it settled down a bit and then I got one of the nurses to let me go the bathroom, and I felt much better.

The nurse was really nice.  She sat and chatted with me.  It was really really nice.  She talked to me about recovery, but also about being ready for the emotional stuff that tends to follow after any surgery.  I was like a light went on...that is what happened with the thyroid surgery.  My frustration and anger were normal. It was so nice to hear someone say I wasn't crazy.  It was surprising to feel so safe with this lady.  She talked about some her struggles in life and how as women we are so hard on ourselves.  How we would NEVER allow anyone to treat someone else the way we allow ourselves to be treated.  That we need to be kinder to ourselves and allow other to do the same.  Heidi went to get  the car and she stayed with me and walked me to the car.  She apologized for getting so personal, but she said something about me drew her to me and she felt safe opening up and sharing with me.  It's amazing how Heavenly Father puts people in our live so we can help each other.

I spent the evening at Deans with Alex aka Dr Banner/Hawkeye watching out for me.  We watched Avengers (as noted by Alex's alias).  Then he slept on the floor beside me to be sure I did okay during the night.  I took pain pills but mostly for my head.

Heidi and I did lunch on Saturday and I had a few sweet sisters from the ward check up on me.  I am just taking it easy this weekend and hopefully by Monday I will be okay to work.  I feel okay, just tired.    Okay and a bit anxious to find out the results of the biopsy.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


After some waiting and planning and re-planning, tomorrow and the D&C are finally here.    I talked to Dr. Steele and he said the odds of this being cancer are 1 in 100.  I was hoping for better odds.  I feel pretty peaceful, well, really not feeling much about this.  I hope that is a good sign.  I guess we will have to wait till next week to know.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


I finally saw the sun.

Yes, it's mid September and I think this is the first I have seen sun this summer.   I was at kids soccer games most of the day.   I did a great job of making sure my scar had sunscreen, but not much else.  (Notice the sunburn is just on the right side, seems no matter what game I was at the sun stayed on that side.)

The really amazing thing to me when I see this picture, is how small this scar is.  I know some people may think it is big.  But I remember how much of his neck my Pops lost to this same thyroid cancer.  Once again, I realize how blessed I am.  Not that Dad wasn't blessed, he lived over 40 years after his cancer.  I just know that having it now there are so many medical advances, that it so much easier.  Thanks Dad for paving the way and making it easier for me.  I love you!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What the...

So am supposed to be feeling better since we have the thyroid out and are taking meds to replace it.  But I am always tired and I am shocked how stink'n much hair is falling out of my head!  (I am lucky, because you can't tell my looking at me that my hair is falling out)  I know how very lucky I am to so  healthy.  But I guess I hoped that I would feel better.  Oh, yeah this whole thing is less that 3 months old.  I guess I should relax...yeah that is probably it.


Monday, September 10, 2012

I am officially over this year.  It has just been a bit to much for me this year.  Cancer and at least another surgery, several deaths, all kinds of crap seems to be happening this year.  There are still months left but I am ready to start new.  Can anyone help with that?  No, oh well, I thought I'd try.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Stand Up To Cancer

Watching  stand up to cancer...realizing once again how very very blessed I am.  My cancer has come and is now gone.  Thank you Heavenly Father for my blessing.