Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Memories"...sing with me... "Memories"

I remember being young and spending time every summer with my cousin Robyn at our Grandma's house in Murray.  We would go to church with Grandma and I remember she was always the primary chorister.  She was so good at it.  I remember even as a small child thinking "Wow, how does she do that. "  I knew zero about music (still don't).  It seemed amazing that someone in my family could do anything musical.  (I have since realized that there is lots of musical talent in my family, just not with me. )   I also remember thinking well that is one calling I am never gonna have.

Fast forward to today.  I have had the calling of primary chorister now 3 times, and was a permanent  substitute for about a year also.  This time it's been about 5 years.  You never really know what the Lord has in store.

The first time I was given this calling I remember thinking this is crazy they have the wrong person.  I can't do this, I don't know anything about music.  Now years and years later I still don't know much about music except that I love it.  I mess up all the time but this is one of my favorite callings.  I guess I am more like my grandma that I could have ever wished.  :)

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