Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Just a reminder to myself!

My Sweet Boy

I took my nephew and niece shopping for a birthday present for their mom.  He got a Willy Wonka DVD and she got a heart locket necklace.

When mom opened the DVD thye found it was one that they already had.  Soon he was in the other room crying.  I went to talk to him, he was heartbroken that he got something she already had.  He was worried that she was upset and how would he be able to have a present she didn't have.  He could not be consoled until we made a plan to exchange it.  So tonight we went to to store and exchanged the movie.  On the way home he wanted to wrap it and do heavy heavy again for this gift.  He just wanted Mom to be happy!  He is such a sweet boy.  I just love him!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Memories"...sing with me... "Memories"

I remember being young and spending time every summer with my cousin Robyn at our Grandma's house in Murray.  We would go to church with Grandma and I remember she was always the primary chorister.  She was so good at it.  I remember even as a small child thinking "Wow, how does she do that. "  I knew zero about music (still don't).  It seemed amazing that someone in my family could do anything musical.  (I have since realized that there is lots of musical talent in my family, just not with me. )   I also remember thinking well that is one calling I am never gonna have.

Fast forward to today.  I have had the calling of primary chorister now 3 times, and was a permanent  substitute for about a year also.  This time it's been about 5 years.  You never really know what the Lord has in store.

The first time I was given this calling I remember thinking this is crazy they have the wrong person.  I can't do this, I don't know anything about music.  Now years and years later I still don't know much about music except that I love it.  I mess up all the time but this is one of my favorite callings.  I guess I am more like my grandma that I could have ever wished.  :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Regrets... and Feelings

I am so thankful I was able to care for my parents the last few years of their lives.  I was able to have no regrets when they passed away.  I had been able to make peace with them for any differences we may have had.  I was able to not only tell them how much I loved them but to show them as well.  When they left this life I was able to say goodbye with no regrets.  I believe they knew how much I loved them.

But when it is not my own parents, I can't say the same thing.  "Papa" Peck passed away today and I can't say I told him enough how important he was to me and my folks.  I am not sure I was able to help him to know what a wonderful man we saw when we looked at him.  He was so giving and always willing to help.  I hope I thanked him enough for all the amazing things he did for me and my family.

I know that Mom, Dad and Reid are with him now and are telling that, but I pray he knows how I feel about him too.

I wish I could say I have no regrets with his passing, but sadly I can't.  I don't know that I thanked him, complemented him, told him I loved him enough.  I am grateful for my testimony of eternal life, it gives me peace that he can know my heart now and I will be able to tell him when I see him again.


I am feeling a bit silly.  I remember at mom's funeral there was someone I had to console.  I remember thinking well this is odd, it's my sweet mom and I am having to tell this person it's alright.  Today I was that person.  I would try to console one of the Pecks and they would end up more worried about me.  I know we all grieve differently, but I felt like a bit of a nerd.

I am feeling honored to have been asked by the family to say a prayer at the funeral.  I know it's a prayer, but it is so kind of them to ask me to be involved in any way

I am feeling homesick I don't exactly know how to say this and not sound suicidal.  So I am just going to say it.  The Mercy Me Song Homesick is what I listened to as I drove around tonight.  It just says it all.  In some moments I wish it was me.  Not that I don't love life or want to hurt myself (or worse) but when I think of Tom being with my folks, other family members, my Savior and Heavenly Father, I am a bit jealous.  I wish it was me.  I would like to be with them again.  I just feel homesick for something more than this life.